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Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Implant Removal

Dr. Ip and his team are committed to educating their patients about breast implant removal surgery and what options are available to achieve an aesthetically pleasing bust. Below are answers to the most commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered here, please bring your concerns to your consultation appointment with Dr. Ip to learn more.

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  • Am I a good candidate for breast implant removal?

    Most patients who are healthy and want to remove their breast implants are good candidates for this procedure. After examination, Dr. Ip reviews your medical history, the condition of your breasts, and discusses your desired results to create a tailored surgical plan.

  • Can I combine other procedures with breast implant removal?

    Many patients choose to combine a breast lift and secondary breast augmentation or fat grafting with their implant removal to enhance the results. A breast lift can reduce excess skin, correct asymmetry, and place the breasts higher on the chest. Secondary breast augmentation replaces old implants with new ones. Fat grafting removes excess fat from one area of the body, usually from the back, abdominal region, or thighs, purifies the harvested cells, and transfers the refined fat to the breasts for subtle enhancement.

  • What is the breast implant removal process?

    Depending on your situation and preferences, one of three techniques can be used to remove your implants. The first technique removes only the breast implants. The second approach is capsulectomy, which removes the implants and then the capsule of scar tissue surrounding the implant. The last option is en bloc, which removes the entire scar tissue capsule as well as the implants, all in one piece.

  • What is BIA-ALCL?

    BIA-ALCL stands for Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. This infrequent risk is sometimes associated with breast implants, more commonly with textured materials. When detected early, it is a rare but curable issue for most patients.

  • What are the symptoms of BIA-ALCL?

    If you experience swelling in the breasts that develops after several years, a lump in the breast or lymph nodes in the armpits, persistent skin rashes, or a fever that accompanies weight loss, then contact your physician to discuss these symptoms further.

  • How much does breast implant removal cost?

    The price for breast implant removal will vary depending on your desired results and which techniques are included in your procedure. Further details about fees and other associated costs can be discussed during your consultation.

  • Is recovery painful after breast implant removal?

    Recovery from breast implant removal is typically less painful than primary breast augmentation surgery. The breasts are wrapped in surgical bandages to support the new contour, and activities should be limited for the first few days. Prescription pain medication can help relieve discomfort while you recuperate.

  • Can I get pregnant after my breast implant removal surgery?

    Breast implant surgery does not hinder women from becoming pregnant after surgery. Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and breastfeeding all affect the breasts, so patients are advised to wait until their surgeon clears them before getting pregnant, or finish having children before removing implants, depending on the situation.

  • When can I drive again after breast implant removal?

    Every patient heals at a different rate, but most patients feel back to normal within one or two weeks of their procedure.

  • When can I return to work after breast implant removal surgery?

    Many patients can resume work and light activities after a few days, depending on what their job entails.

  • Can I exercise after surgery?

    Patients are cautioned to wait at least two weeks to exercise to ensure their incisions are healed and their body is ready to start introducing heavier, more intense exercises. Speak with your surgeon to see when it is safe to return to an exercise routine. You may begin with light exercises and work your way up to more strenuous activities.

  • What results can I expect?

    After removal, you may opt for a breast lift to reposition the breasts higher on the chest and remove excess skin, or liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue. The breasts should be back to their natural size unless new implants are being placed. The procedures you decide to include will change how your results look.

  • Will health insurance cover my procedure?

    Breast implant removal is usually not covered by insurance unless the reason for your surgery is medically related. Discuss your coverage details with your health insurance provider for more information about your plan.

  • What risks or complications are involved?

    Risks associated with this surgery may include a temporary loss or decrease of breast sensation, painful scarring, which usually heals with time, and breast deformities or sagging. Dr. Ip informs patients of the risks involved with the procedure and takes precautions when conducting surgery to reduce these risks.

  • How long are the results expected to last?

    Your results should be long-lasting, and any tissue that is removed is permanently gone.

  • What is Breast Implant Illness?

    Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a condition that has been self-identified by some patients who have silicone breast implants. Reported symptoms include chest pain, fatigue, chest pain, headaches, hair loss, sensitivity to light, rashes, chronic pain, anxiety, sleep issues, depression, and hormonal imbalances. Currently, there is not enough clinical evidence to consider BII as an official medical diagnosis. Studies are ongoing, and Dr. Ip makes sure to stay up to date on all medical news. If you have any concerns about your silicone breast implants, we encourage you to speak to Dr. Ip about it during your consultation.